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Image by Sasha Yudaev

Large investment

TCO One REIT offers a large investment for experienced accredited investors looking to create generational wealth.



Image by Sergio Capuzzimati

Medium investment

TCO One REIT offers a medium investment for accredited investors who are looking to create hands free income.



Image by Robert Gomez

Small investment

TCO One REIT offers a small investment for first time Real Estate investors who want to create passive income.



Real Estate

A $50 million REIT focused on using multi-family assets to provide superior cash flow.

Stable Dividends

Target return for 2021  is 23% taxable income which equates to 10.5% annual yield.

Tax Benefits

Tax benefits including expense write-offs and reinvestment plans to avoid capital gains tax until the opportune time.

passive income

We locate, purchase, develop and manage CRE assets to give you peace of mind and more time for your family/business.


Things Happen.

With our varied property types and different investment vehicles, investors can create a diversified, professionally managed real estate investment portfolio. The Cawthon Organization offers development partnerships with high, long-term capital appreciation potential as well as acquisition partnerships on existing projects which provide investors with immediate cash flow. The company’s mission is to preserve investor capital while providing superior returns.

© 2017-2020 Cawthon Organization

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