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  • jamesfournace

Recent events translate into portfolio volatility, or do they?

Total return always smooths out volatility, here is how.

There is no doubt that recent events are weighing on investors' minds. Will it affect my stock portfolio and my capital gains? How will it affect my income portfolio? These are facts. What remains ambiguous to everyone is how much, if at all. There is nothing that creates more fear in the markets than ambiguity and uncertainty

What If there was a way to reduce this anxiety without a flight to quality that produces less than ideal returns? Or even worse risk of capital with loss outpacing returns? Returns that in both cases do not even outpace inflation?

There is a way to deliver both quality and consistency with competitive returns and capital preservation. Would this not alleviate both ambiguity and uncertainty?

That is what the Our TCO ONE REIT provides. We deliver a solution to both.

In an environment of limited solutions, we provide the following:

  1. Low Correlation to the capital markets Reduction of entire portfolio volatility.

  2. Extremely competitive yield and capital gain

  3. 1031 Tax Free exchanges

  4. Buying low and selling high through timely, distressed acquisitions

  5. Substantially greater passive income - 8% TCO ONE / 3.5% Public

Our choices for yield are very limited in this environment. The Fed will undoubtedly not be raising interest rates anytime soon.

With the TCO One REIT you acquire diversification, income, capital gain and tax advantages!

Speak to the Cawthon Organization Today and find out how you can dramatically increase your income in a diversified Real Estate Portfolio!

Call us today at 225-276-1525.

Find out how we can increase your passive income, and decrease your overall volatility.

Jim Fournace

Account Executive of Investment Sales

Cawthon Organization


The TCO ONE REIT,purchases multi-family properties with the intention to bring consistent passive income back to you, the investor. This is your opportunityto invest in institutional quality multi-family properties at a fraction of the cost. For $25k dollars you get a fractional ownership in multi-family property where you earn passive income. This investment structure offers you the ability to invest in something bigger than what you could do individually.

The TCO ONE REIT, purchases multi-family properties with the intention to bring consistent passive income back to you, the investor. This is your opportunity to invest in institutional quality multi-family properties at a fraction of the cost. For $25k dollars you get a fractional ownership in multi-family property where you earn passive income. This investment structure offers you the ability to invest in something bigger than what you could do individually.

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