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  • jamesfournace

Stability in Fragility

Now more than ever, it is crucial to exercise the utmost prudence in decisions regarding our investments.

The volatility in the markets has reached a critical juncture.

A rate hike is almost a certainty next month. This is a direct confirmation that the entire “transitory” inflation conversation was a shameful collection of nonsense.

To put this story in perspective, according to CNBC this morning, Palantir, (PLTR) purchased 50.7 million in gold bars this month. PLTR is a publicly traded tech company!

If they are hedging into hard assets on inflation preparation, does it not logically dictate you should consider the same?

Brian Cornell, the CEO of Target directly stated that inflation pressures and supply chain issues will deeply affect 4th quarter earnings for Target. Target, ladies and gentleman, is a veritable bellwether for middle class consumer spending. The writing is on the wall.

We are not advocating panic selling. Our recommendation is simply to reallocate the upside you have rightfully enjoyed and reallocate to a safe haven and performing asset class.

Inflation and market risk is real, substantial and staring right at you.

Do not lose the opportunity to proactively protect the assets you have worked so hard for.

The Cawthon TCO One REIT fits that reallocation.

The Cawthon TCO One REIT offers you the ability to obtain an inflationary and non-correlated market hedge at 21%. That translates into 16.50% post current inflation. If you have a qualified portfolio, and allocate a minimum of $25k , you have potential 16.5% per year on that allocation. The Cawthon TCO One REIT offers that.

Consider us for a portion of your total return strategy. Our emphasis on intrinsic value through discounted purchases is an assurance that we will provide value to you.

As we have advocated previously, if you have enjoyed a significant capital gain as most investors have, consider the following:

The Cawthon organization bases our entire investment thesis on the following:

1) A principal focus on capital preservation, we cannot make money on capital lost.

2) Our yield is consistent, and conservative, there is simply no way in this market to achieve this level of yield and diversification outside of real estate, we provide both.

3) Our capital gain thesis is based upon purchasing discounted assets, thus greatly increasing our upside potential, simultaneously reducing downside risk.

4) Low Correlation to the capital markets Reduction of entire portfolio volatility.

5) Tax Advantages

6) Extremely competitive yield and capital gain

7) 1031 exchange opportunities for rental properties

8) Buy low and sell high through timely, discounted acquisitions

9) Substantially greater passive income: 21% TCO ONE / 3.5% Public

Observe the following Perfomance relative to the markets as well.

We are here to help you protect your upside that you have worked so hard for contact us today to find out how!

Our choices for total return are very limited in this environment. We provide the solution

Call us and find out!

Call our team today to discuss available opportuniies.


James Fournace II

Managing Director for Investment Sales

"Creating Generational Wealth"


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